People often ask: "How DID you make that?" We often answer "forced child labor", "elves", or the more truthful "We have a cadre of machines that bend and twist to our will.".
μMake Labs, our 'dungeon of design' / 'prison of production' was purpose-designed and is well-equipped with a Laser Cutter ( the fire-wielding robots in our slogan ), a CNC Router, a Vinyl Cutter, a wide-format inkjet printer, and a few 3-D Printers. We can be found in the lab at all hours of the day and night, intensively laboring over fine details and complicated assemblies.
Lisa usually makes the broad, initial strokes, and then Paul brings Lisa's concepts into the digital realm. Together we refine the concept and tweak the designs, often running through numerous versions until we feel we've realized a proper result... Some ideas take weeks to grow, others are born 'adult'.
Once the design is mature, we then manufacture the parts needed, and then work together on assembly. This is the least fun of the whole process, but at least we get to do it all together while enjoying some great tunes washed down with an adult beverage or two.
Staining, painting, and sealing is mostly Lisa's realm, but Paul is often happy to get away from a computer screen and sling a paintbrush around for a change of scenery...
Or maybe we really do force the kids to work for their food... The world may never know.
μMake Labs, our 'dungeon of design' / 'prison of production' was purpose-designed and is well-equipped with a Laser Cutter ( the fire-wielding robots in our slogan ), a CNC Router, a Vinyl Cutter, a wide-format inkjet printer, and a few 3-D Printers. We can be found in the lab at all hours of the day and night, intensively laboring over fine details and complicated assemblies.
Lisa usually makes the broad, initial strokes, and then Paul brings Lisa's concepts into the digital realm. Together we refine the concept and tweak the designs, often running through numerous versions until we feel we've realized a proper result... Some ideas take weeks to grow, others are born 'adult'.
Once the design is mature, we then manufacture the parts needed, and then work together on assembly. This is the least fun of the whole process, but at least we get to do it all together while enjoying some great tunes washed down with an adult beverage or two.
Staining, painting, and sealing is mostly Lisa's realm, but Paul is often happy to get away from a computer screen and sling a paintbrush around for a change of scenery...
Or maybe we really do force the kids to work for their food... The world may never know.